Английский язык. 7-8 класс. Reading Comprehension

 Part 1

Look at the sentences below about a singing group. Read the text “City Voiceworks” to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, mark A.
If it is not correct, mark B.

  1. City Voiceworks has had the same number of members for many years.
  2. If you want to become a member of City Voiceworks, you have to pass a test.
  3. When you first become a member, you are expected to attend all the practice sessions.
  4. You can join City Voiceworks in the first days of September or whenever you want.
  5. On 27 March, members will have the opportunity to create their own piece of music.
  6. It may be possible to visit other countries with the singing group.
  7. The open-air concert will include favourite songs and songs we are not so familiar with.
  8. If you want to pay £68 a year, you have to show a document that says you are a student.
  9. Everyone must pay a £12 music fee except members who own copies of the sheet music.
  10. You are advised to go to the City Voiceworks website rather than phone their Secretary.

 City Voiceworks

Based in the south of England, City Voiceworks is a singing group which has performed in the United Kingdom and in many other countries around the world. It was started nearly 20 years ago and within five years it had grown to around 40 singers. It has continued to grow ever since and it now attracts members from a very wide area who enjoy singing exciting pieces in a pleasant environment. There are no requirements or entrance exams for membership but new members are not allowed to miss practice sessions (Mondays throughout the year except during school holidays). Some knowledge of music is an advantage, though the ability to read music is not necessary in order to become a member. The best time to join is at the beginning of September, but new members are welcome throughout the year.

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Special Events this year

27 March

Performing music gives pleasure to everyone, but you can increase your enjoyment when you study music and understand how it is made. In this six-hour class, singers will look at a number of musical pieces and learn how they were created. After the class there will be a group discussion for all participants.
28 to 31 May

Singers will have the opportunity to experience the musical and social delights of touring once again. This annual event has proved very popular with members. Tours both in the UK and abroad have resulted in some fine and memorable performances.

13 June
An open-air concert with the songs everyone knows and enjoys singing, as well as less well-known pieces. The programme, which includes songs from the 14th century to the present day, is designed to have something for all tastes.

Joining Details
Students must bring their college or university card when they register. Members must pay the full annual fee no later than three weeks after joining. If a participant has not paid their fees, a small extra fee may be charged.

A fee of £12 per year is payable by all members to cover the cost of music sheets. This has to be paid even if members have personal copies of the sheets.

We would be delighted to expand on this information, provide details of our music library collection and welcome you to sing with City Voiceworks.

Membership Fees

Full membership
£80 per year (or three payments of £30 each)
Full-time Students
£68 per year (or three payments of £25 each)


Please contact the Membership Secretary for further information,
Tel. 01228 400460 or visit our website

Keys 1B, 2B, 3A, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8A, 9B, 10B


Part 2

Read the text and questions below.
For each question, mark the correct letter (А, В, С or D).

Sarah Radford, international athlete

‘If when you hear the words ‘international athlete’, you imagine a runner in an exotic location, enjoying life in a five-star hotel, think again. I won the Dublin Marathon and the European Games and I now want to win a place in the Olympic Games. I also have a demanding job and a family life to organize. My life is exciting, but I don’t live in luxury.
My route to the top was not what you might expect. I ran until I was sixteen, then went to college and got married. At 25 I made a come-back. That year my daughter was four and although fitting in a full-time job, family and running was not easy, I was managing it all fine. Then I had to stop when I hurt my left knee while running. I started back again a year later, and I’m now running really well.
I am pleased that I am now performing at a high level, but I know that if I make it to the Olympic team there will be more training to do. I may have to decide to work only part-time then, until midday, and get somebody to help with the housework. You have to take an opportunity to compete in the Olympics when it comes because you don’t know if it will ever come again.
For the moment, though, training has to fit around everything else in my life. I usually run into work, nearly eight miles along a main road, in my running shoes and tracksuit. Then I quickly change into my work uniform — my employers are used to that! They are also understanding about the demands of life as an athlete, which means I do not work weekends because of races.’

11 What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the text?

A to complain about her lack of time for running
В to describe her fitness training programme
С to show how difficult being a runner can be
D to give advice to other female runners

12 Why did the writer give up running when she was 25?

A She had a child to look after.
В She suffered an injury.
С She wanted to study at college.
D She was working full-time.

13 If she joins the Olympic team, the writer is thinking of

A training more at weekends.
В giving up her present job.
С spending more time at home.
D reducing her working hours.

14 What does the writer say about her employers?

A They allow her free time for running.
В They would like her to give up running.
С They pay for some of her equipment.
D They want her to work weekends.

15 Which of the following is the best description of the writer?

A An athlete who has not won important competitions because of the pressures of family and work.
В An excellent runner who has won a number of competitions thanks to a lot of hard work.
C A woman who put her ambition to win competitions before her duties as a mother.
D A disappointed runner who would like to have the luxuries that other international athletes have.

Keys  11C, 12B, 13D, 14A, 15B

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