Тест: Повторение пройденного

Целью данного онлайн-теста для 4 класса является проверка знаний и понимания базовых понятий, связанных с темой «Повторение пройденного». Тест поможет оценить уровень владения темой, а также способность применять полученные знания в понимании материала и ответе на вопросы.

После ответа на все вопросы ученик получит результат теста с оценкой. Этот онлайн-тест поможет укрепить свои навыки и углубить понимание в предмете Английский язык.

1 Why do animals that eat cane toads die?

2 Thanks to what does a shark feel a person`s fear?

3 What can a ladybird predict?

4 What animals are worth keeping away from?

5 Where does a ladybird fly if the weather is going to be cold?

6 People usually divide Australian animals into three categories: the good, the bad, the nice.

7 There are no crocodiles and snakes in Australia.

8 Australian spiders have sharp teeth and poison.

9 How many cane toads are born every year?

10 People like to swim when there are many jellyfish in the water.

11 What had happened to him earlier in life?

12 What can animals express?

13 What words did Viki learn to say?

14 Why did his parents decide to take him to Miami?

15 What word do people often use to describe a cane toad?

16 How many signs did Washoe`s vocabulary consist of?

17 Are animal messages expressed only in sounds?

18 What animals have pockets inside their mouths?

19 Cane toads are favourite animals of Australian people.

20 How do rescue teams help koalas?

21 Are dingoes in the "Good" category?

22 Some people keep cane toads as pets and write songs about them.

23 What was wrong with Nikki?

24 What other animals live in Australia?

25 How did Gua express her wishes?

26 Wombats and koalas are popular animals in Australia.

27 How many sounds made by chimpanzees have zoologists listed?

28 What animals are popular in Australia?

29 What animals are "unpopular" in Australia?

30 How do snakes detect their prey?

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