1.Вставьте в пропуск нужное слово. I don`t like ____ naughty children. 2.Вставьте в пропуск нужное слово. He is not clever enough to solve ____ problem. 3.Вставьте в пропуск нужное слово. He is small, but runs ____ quickly!
Why is Bridget measuring Hector`s chest. Bridget: s Hector still _________ . Hector: I have this _________
I don`t want ... or help. I`ve seen some comedies this month. Each ... funnier then the last. We`d like three ... eggs.
His name ___ Peter. He ___ not from Turkey. _____ eat salad and pizza.
I suddenly remembered that I forgot I ... my keys. While Diana ... her favourite television programme, there was a power cut. Who ... the car at the time of the accident.
Год образования Киевской Руси: Князь - воин: Князь Олег со своей дружиной объединил два русских города ... и ... в одно государство - Киевскую Русь:
His new book ______ (to finish) next year. Nick ________ (to send) to Moscow next week. This work ______ (to do) tomorrow.
Bread _______ (to eat) every day. The letter ______ (to receive) yesterday. Nick ________ (to send) to Moscow next week.
What is the longest river in the world. Where is Bolivia. Where is Ethiopia.
The small cupboard or shelf in front of the passenger seat of a car. You hold it and turn to control the direction of a car. A thing in a car that you will need if the car crashes, to protect the driver and passengers.
The Maya thrived for nearly 2,000 years. Without the use of the cartwheel or metal tools, a)_____________________________. They were accomplished scientists. They also formulated a unique calendar with b)_________________as well as predict eclipses and other celestial events with great precision. The Maya sought to understand the repetitive cycles of motions of the moon and planets, and thus to be able c)___________ on the sky in the future.
"If you _______ that plate, you`ll burn your fingers." - "Why. Has it been in the oven." "If you watch the news, you ______ a lot." - "I know. I watch it every day" "Shall I invite John to the party. " - "Well, were I you, I _______ him."
_____ milk in the bottle. My mother ________ me to buy some bread from the shop. Have you _____ been to Paris.
В каком году было написано произведение Александр Пушкина «Пир во время чумы». К какому литературному жанру принадлежит произведение Александр Сергеевича Пушкина «Пир во время чумы». Какая болезнь становится причиной гибели людей в трагедии Александра Пушкина.
The head of state in the UK is the... The Congress of the USA consists of the ... The Head of state of Russia is the ...
В каком году А. С. Пушкин написал стихотворение «Поэт и толпа». В каком жанре написано произведение. Какова главная тема стихотворения.
назначать голосовать подписывать
В каком году А. Пушкин написал стихотворение "Брожу ли я вдоль улиц шумных". В каком году оно было напечатано. Какое издание его напечатало.
Монголы в XIII в. по укладу хозяйства был: Главное богатство монгольских племён: Нойоны:
Укажите год создания произведения А. Пушкина "К морю" Где поэт начал писать стихотворение. О какой известной личности не упоминается в стихотворении.