Английский язык. Комплект заданий для учащихся 7 — 8 классов. 2016-2017 уч. г.

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников

Английский язык

Муниципальный этап 2016-2017 уч. г.

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Комплект заданий для учащихся 7 — 8 классов


Time: 15 minutes

Task 1. You will hear a sportsman talking about his lifestyle. For each items (1- 10) decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose A (True). If it is not correct, choose B (False). You will hear the text twice.

  1. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

A True B False

  1. I never drink alcohol.

A True B False

  1. I drink a lot of water.

A True B False

  1. I’ve cut down on chocolate.

A True B False

  1. I go to the gym regularly.

A True B False

  1. I never have to go on a diet.

A True B False

  1. I make sure I get plenty of sleep.

A True B False

  1. I eat a lot of junk food.

A True B False

  1. I’ve never smoked.

A True B False

  1. There’s no stress in my life.

A True B False

Task 2. You will hear a boy called Nick talking about something that happened recently. Listen to the story and answer the following questions choosing correct answer A, B or C. You will hear the text ONCE for this task.

  1. Nick has played football

A for about seven years.

B for almost a year.

C since he was six.

  1. His brother is

A a coach.

B in the same team.

C elder.

  1. Who came to watch Nick’s team play?

A his best friends

B his parents

C a coach from the national team

  1. How Nick felt after he scored the goal?

A upset

B relaxed

C excited

  1. What happed after the match?

A Nick broke his leg

B Nick got a present.

C Nick was chosen by the coach.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!


20 minutes

Task 1. You are going to read an article about the effects of tourism on local people. For questions 1-6, choose from the people (A-C). The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person

  1. Misses a place they used to go as a child?

  2. Says that tourism provides a lot of jobs for local people?

  3. States that tourism has destroyed a traditional local industry?

  4. Feels that presence of the people from other cultures benefits the local community?

  5. Criticizes the behavior of some tourists in their town?

  6. Believes that most of the profit from the local tourist industry goes abroad?

  7. Claims that tourists are unwilling to learn the local language?

  8. Believes tourism helps the local people to get to know the other cultures and their traditions?

Living with tourism

Three people describe how tourism has affected their home town.

  1. Yusuf Demir

In my childhood in my home town there was a path I used to go to school, and last summer I went to see if it was still there. It was, but the view from it was different. Now there is a vast shopping mall, with a cinema and some cafes. I don’t really worry about that, because it means there are lots more things to do, and I also like the fact that it has a really international atmosphere. It is good for local people to meet visitors from other parts of the world, try new kinds of food and hear about different ways of living.

  1. Matt Walker

Tourism has changed this town so much, even in the years since I was at school. In those days there was a football pitch near the harbour, but it’s gone now, which is a pity. We used to kick a ball around there a lot. In the harbour itself luxury yachts owned by people from richer parts of the country have replaced the fishing boats which had been owned by locals. And now there is no sign of what used to be the main source of income and employment locally. In the evenings the town is certainly a lot livelier than it used to be. But sometimes people start doing things they would never do in their home towns. And then the police have to be called!

E. Daniela Navarro

I know some of the new hotels and holiday apartments are unattractive, and the bars, restaurants and nightclubs for tourists have changed the nature of the town. Without them the unemployment would be a much higher, particularly among the young. But the problem is that the only ones making any real money out of all this are big tour operators and the owners of the hotels. None of them are actually based in my country. Also, very few tourists learn our language, so it means there’s little communication between us and them.

Task 2. You are going to read a text about the eating habits of the British people. Match the beginning of the sentences (9-15) with the proper endings (A-G).

9. British people today eat …

10. They are drinking …

11. They are eating …

12. For the past 20 years, …

13. Shoppers today have more information about …

14. There has been a big increase

15. Now people more prefer brown bread

A. … where their food comes from.

B … more convenience foods than they did before.

C … in the amount of chips, pizza and crisps people eat each week.

D… healthier food than in the past.

E … bananas have been the most popular fruit in the UK.

F … much less tea than they did 40 years ago.

G. …. than they used to do.

Goodbye, fish and chips: national changing trends in British dining

Tea, baked beans on toast and fish and chips have always been popular in Britain. But, things are changing, according to data published recently in the National Food Survey.

Everyone knows that the British love tea but they drink more than 50% less tea than in the 1970s. Britons are now drinking on average only eight cups of tea a week – they drank 23 cups in 1974. Tea is still the most popular hot drink in the UK but people now spend more money on coffee.

The data comes from 150,000 families who took part in the survey between 1974 and 2000, combined with information from 2000 to 2014. It shows a move towards healthier food in recent years – people have changed to low-calorie soft drinks, from whole to skimmed milk and they eat more fresh fruit. But, the amount of chips, pizza, crisps and ready meals they eat each week has increased a lot.

There has also been an enormous change from white to brown bread. The survey also shows the amount of bread people eat has fallen from 25 to 15 slices a week over the past forty years. The amount of baked beans people eat has reduced by 20%. But, there has been an increase in other types of convenience food, particularly Italian dishes. The amount of pasta they eat has almost tripled over the same period.

Fresh potatoes are also becoming less popular with a 67% decrease from 1974, when adults ate the around 188g every day. People eat more of other vegetables such as cucumbers and mushrooms. The amount of takeaway food they eat has almost doubled since 1974, from 80g per person per week to 150g.

It seems that British people are now more careful about what they eat – the amount of fruit has increased by 50% since 1974. Bananas have been the most popular fruit in the UK since 1996 – adults ate 221g per adult per week in 2014, much more than apples (131g) and oranges (48g). Half of all soft drinks British people drink are now low-calorie soft drinks.

The UK Environment Secretary, Elizabeth Truss, said: “Food is the heart of our society. People care more about where their food comes from than before, we can order quality food on the internet, fashionable restaurants give us the latest trends and exciting global cuisines are now as common as fish and chips.”

First published in The Guardian, 18/02/16

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!


Time: 20 minutes

Multiple choice question

Task 1. Read the email. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word (A, B, C or D).

Hi Jackie,

I’m writing to tell you about my holiday. We hired bicycles and on the first day we cycled beside the Grand Union (1)_________, which was built in 1793 to carry goods from the Midlands to London. It was very relaxing. The next day we cycled around a (2)__________. That took a few hours but there was a small sandy (3)________ and a little (4)__________ where you could sit (5)________ the shade. We camped there and the next day we hired a boat. The only problem was there was a lot of thick (6)_________ at the side of the lake which we got stuck in. We weren’t in danger because the water was (7)_______, but there was a risk of not being able to get the boat out. On another day we went for a walk to the top of a (8)________. It wasn’t very high but we had a lovely (9)_________. We came down the other side and stopped in the village at the bottom for lunch in a really nice café. I’d recommend it. See you soon.




A stream

B canal

C flood

D river


A sea

B ocean

C lake

D waterfall


A banks

B shore

C beach

D coast


A wood

B forest

C rainforest

D timber


A in

B under

C on

D out


A sand

B soil

C dust

D mud


A little

B shallow

C narrow

D gentle


A mountain

B cliff

C hill

D cave


A view

B look

C sight

D scenery

Task 2. Fill in each gap with a preposition (for, at, with, in, on, to, after, from).

I got home (10)_________ work (11)_______ Thursday (12) ________ a really awful sore throat. As I was really tied (13) _________ a long day, I went (14)______ bed immediately. When I looked (15)_____ the mirror (16) ______ Friday morning I realised it was bright red and covered (17) _________ spots. So I made an appointment (18) _________ the doctor (19) _________ the local surgery. My doctor gave me a prescription (20) _________ antibiotics. It cleared up quickly once I started taking them.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!


Time: 30 minutes

This is a part of an email you have received from your English-speaking friend, Ben, who is helping to organize a music festival. Read Ben’s email

I’m really glad you want to take part in the music festival in July. Could you just give me some more information?

The festival lasts for five nights and I’m trying to arrange the program, so could you tell me something about the kind of music you band plays?

The other thing I’d like to know whether you’d prefer to play on the first night of the festival or the last.

And where do you and your band want to stay? We’re going to camp at the festival, so do you want to do that too?

Reply soon


Write an email to Ben.

Do not forget to:

  • tell him about the music your band plays;
  • tell him about the time you prefer to perform;
  • say you do not want to live in a camp and explain why;
  • remember the rules of email writing.

You should write about 100-120 words.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

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Reply22.08.2017 16:00

Роман Петров16/

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